Matt. 2:1-12, EPIPHANY. 05 Jan 2020 by Bryony Partridge
Matt. 3:13-end BAPTISM OF CHRIST. 12th Jan. 2020 by Bryony Partridge
Luke 12:49-56. Reading the sign of the times. 18.08.2019 by Bryony Partridge
Acts 11:1-18. Bryony. June 2nd 2019
John 17:20-26. Bryony. May 2019
John 12:1-8 anointing of Jesus. Bryony Partridge. 7th April 2019
Genesis 15 Covenant. March 17th 2019. Bryony Partridge
Genesis 2:4b-9,15-25 God, Creation and Us. (Bryony Partridge) 24th Feb 2019
Matthew 2:1-12 Epiphany (Bryony Partridge)
Christmas Day 2018 (Bryony Partridge)
John 11:32-44 (Bryony Partridge)
Mark 7:1-8,14-24; James 1:17-27 (Sharon Quinn) 2.9.2018
John 6:1-21 Feeding of the 5,000 (Sharon Quinn) 23.8.2018
Ephesians 5 (Philip Cullingworth) 5.8.2018