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There are 56 photo albums.
Rogation (10 photos)
'Rogare' (to ask). We walk around Newholme to give thanks and to ask for God's blessings upon the water, land and resources.
St. Johns Newsholme (23 photos)
Newsholme church and surrounding farmland
Oakworth (Holden) Art Club (13 photos)
Meet 7.30pm at Christ Church Oakworth BD22 7PA (next to the Snooty Fox pub). Each first Thursday evening of the month. All abilities are welcome.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/308446916461365 (for more information) -
Holy Week and Easter 2024 (1 photos)
What a memorable journey throughout Holy Week and especially Holy Week and Easter.
Christmas Services & Events 2023 (11 photos)
Join us to celebrate Christmas this season.
Holy Week and Easter 2023 (20 photos)
Many events and services were held this Holy Week and Easter from crafty Easter fun making, to the traditional liturgy of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday and Easter Eve.
Newsholme Spring 2021 (0 photos)
Newsholme looking stunning this Spring 2021.
Burns Night Celebrations (3 photos)
Thank you to all who made the Burns Night Celebrations such an enjoyable evening.
Sharon's Reader Licensing Ceremony 2019 (24 photos)
Sharon completed her training and was licensed as Church of England Reader at Bradford Cathedral on 28th September 2019
Parish Weekend Away 2019 (14 photos)
Many friends shared a great weekend together at Thornleigh Hotel in Grange -over-Sands
Celebration of the New Space! (6 photos)
Bishop Toby came to rededicate the newly renovated interior of the church.
The Great Get Together BBQ 2019 (33 photos)
The BBQ at Christ Church for The Great Get Together inspired by Jo Cox to unite communities as we have #moreInCommon
Phase 1 complete (10 photos)
The Christ Church development project, phase 1!
Christmas Events 2018 (6 photos)
Like us on Facebook and see our Services and Events this Christmas. 'Oakworth Parish Churches'.
The Church Gardens (20 photos)
Looking spruce after our gardening volunteer's hard work.
Tour de Yorkshire 2018 (13 photos)
The Tour passed through Oakworth, Christ Church.
Oakworth BEER FESTIVAL for CC Challenge (16 photos)
Fundraising for the renovation project.
Weddings at Christ Church (3 photos)
Photos past and present.
Christingles 2017 (8 photos)
Village Christingle Service 2017
Christmas Crafts 2017 (20 photos)
Christmas Crafts 2017
Wine Tasting (2 photos)
Italian Wines were the focus of this Community event
Explorers Club (6 photos)
Our young and very creative 'explorers' have been very busy creating some amazing models, maps and drawings.
Palm Sunday Baptism (1 photos)
Palm Sunday Baptism
Easter Crafts (15 photos)
Easter Crafts
Spring & Summer 2017 (27 photos)
Photos taken by the congregation and community of Oakworth on their travels this Spring and Summer, some local, some further afield!
Autumn & Winter 2017/18 (52 photos)
Photos taken by members of our community on their walks and travels in the beautiful local Yorkshire area. Thank you for sharing them.
Art Exhibition 2016 (50 photos)
The Holden Art Club exhibited some of their work in an exhibition. Held at Christ Church, Oakworth on Saturday 15th October 2016.
Holden Art Club photos (26 photos)
Meet at Christ Church once a month on the first Thursday, from 7:30pm and finish around 9pm.
Most of us are beginners and have little or no training in art. We have demonstrations from time to time, for example sessions demonstrating the use of oils and the use of pastels.
We charge £2 a session which we use to fund visiting teachers.
Do come and join us, you will be most welcome.
Dementia Awareness (1 photos)
A very helpful, resourceful evening at Christ Church, raising our awareness, and especially challenging our assumptions, that we may often have regarding Dementia. Thank you to Roy for such an informative talk.
Maundy Thursday Passover meal (6 photos)
Sharing a meal together to remember Passover on Maundy Thursday. Followed by communion.
Holden Art Club (8 photos)
Oil Painting Evening
Easter 2016 (7 photos)
Some interior photographs of our churches
'Out And About' photos Spring & Summer 2016 (13 photos)
Photos taken recently by our friends at Christ Church Oakworth and St. John's Newsholme.
Winter 2016 is Here! (3 photos)
Christ Church Winter 2016
Film Nights (5 photos)
The Big Screen
Christmas Events (1 photos)
Christmas Events
Greenbelt Festival (48 photos)
Greenbelt Festival
Christ Church in Springtime (5 photos)
Photos taken in Springtime
Oakworth School Gardening 2015 (8 photos)
Annual visit of young folk from the local primary school to help with our garden project.
Rogation Service at St. John's (12 photos)
An annual service on Rogation Sunday to give thanks and prayers for our land and resources. Beginning in the church for a traditional Eucharist and followed by a short walk around Newsholme where prayers and blessings are said at the water, pasture and farmyard.
Le Tour of Yorkshire (16 photos)
Photographs of the Tour as it went past Christ Church.
Money was raised for Christian Aid. -
Views from the Church tower (5 photos)
Panoramic views from the tower
Christmas Crafts 2014 (5 photos)
Some photos from the Christmas Crafts morning 2014
Three Peaks of Yorkshire 2014 (12 photos)
Some photos of the walk
Holden Art Club Exhibition (17 photos)
Exhibition of art work by members and friends.
Christ Church Interior Photos (5 photos)
A few shots of the inside of the Parish Church.
Mega Makers Holiday Club 2014 (13 photos)
Three days of fun and activity for 5-11 year olds.
Oakworth School Gardening 2014 (8 photos)
The annual visit by year 6 children to help us with our churchyard garden project
Christ Church Bake-Off (15 photos)
Photos showing the chefs at work and the winner
Space Academy Day 3 (12 photos)
Holiday club 2013
Space Academy Day 2 (7 photos)
Holiday Club 2013
Space Academy Day 1 (7 photos)
Children's Holiday Club - Day 1
Big Barbecue July 2013 (3 photos)
Barbecue - Sunday 21st July
Boundary Walk 2013 (21 photos)
Parish boundary walk 2013
Pentecost 2013 (6 photos)
Members of Christ Church attending Pentecost Praise in City Square, Bradford
Oakworth School Gardening 2013 (4 photos)
Children helping with churchyard gardening project.