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Reverend Jemma
The Vicar of Oakworth Parish is the Reverend Jemma Sander-Heys. You can contact her via email on
Jemma.Sander-Heys@leeds.anglican.org or message the parish Facebook page or meet her at church! Jemma’s role is a 0.5 stipend post which means her regular parish work days are: Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday.
Her regular family/rest day is Saturday.
You can find out more here
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Christ Church is the main parish church situated in the heart of the village of Oakworth. Our congregation is made up of people of all ages and backgrounds. We offer a range of services and worship styles. Find us here.
Address: 20 Colne Road, Oakworth BD22 7PA.
St John's is our sister church, which is nestled in the rural village of Newsholme and serves its mainly farming community. Find us here.
Address: Gill Lane Newsholme, nr Oakworth BD22 0QT.
Get in Touch/Contacts:
For weddings & Baptisms: Revd. Jemma Sander-Heys: 07811 480438.
For general enquiries: Church Wardens:
Christ Church: Dawn Whitaker 07714 436266.
Email: dawnclairewhitaker@gmail.com.
St. John's: Jan Thompson 01535 644809
Email: 52janhelen@gmail.com
This weeks Diary & Notices 16th - 23rd March
Explore Together Young People's Group
ABC 'Adults, Babies & Children'
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